Hello and welcome to our very first coffee newsletter! We wanted to share a little more about what makes Good Medicine Coffee special. Each month we will issue a newsletter, bringing you the latest on everything coffee. We will discuss where our beans come from, how they are processed, the global impacts, and profiling flavors. Roasting styles, brewing methods and tips and tricks will also be shared often.
Please enjoy and feel free to reach out to me with questions or even just to say hi. I am always open to collaborating with my customers in search for their perfect cup of coffee!
~Ryan G. /Owner
Announcing a couple of our current coffees in rotation:
Carbonic Masceration
In carbonic maceration, whole coffee cherries are placed in a sealed tank filled with carbon dioxide (CO2). This creates an anaerobic (oxygen-free) environment. The fermentation begins inside the intact cherries or grapes, breaking down sugars and producing alcohol and other compounds that enhance the flavor profile. This method results in vibrant, fruity, and complex flavors.
The impact of supporting women in coffee:
Parent Cooperative: Bwishaza Cooperative, established in 2014, with 596 members.
Women’s Group: KUNGAHARA, meaning "be rich" in Kinyarwanda.
Region: Western Province, Rutsiro District, Gihango Sector. The washing station is in a remote, mountainous area, accessible by miles of dirt roads.
Economic Importance of Coffee: Coffee is Rwanda's second-largest foreign exchange earner, following tea (Export.gov, 2017).
Historical Context: The historical, legal, and cultural context for female coffee producers in Rwanda is unique. The 1994 genocide had two significant impacts on coffee production today. Firstly, it left
many Rwandan households headed by single women, as many men were either killed or imprisoned. This is reflected in the fact that 14% of coffee farmers are widows (AGLC, 2016; NAEB, 2015).
Secondly, after the genocide, women constituted about 65% of the surviving population. They had to take on roles traditionally held by men. As civil society was rebuilt, the government ensured strong female participation by requiring 30% of all elected bodies to be women. Today, 61% of the national parliament is female, the highest percentage in the world (WEF, 2017).
Additionally, Rwanda’s National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB) actively promotes Rwandan coffee. This, combined with the government's focus on women's empowerment, has provided resources for women in coffee.
Columbian, Finca La Pradera
This washed Pink bourbon got its name from the unique color of the coffee cherries which are pinkish-red. Originally thought to be of the bourbon variety, recent genetic testing showed that it’s an “Ethiopian Landrace” variety. Otherwise known as an “heirloom” varietal. More information (way more) about the farm & farmers growing your Good Medicine. Finca La Pradera in Santa Maria, Huila, Colombia, is renowned for its Pink Bourbon coffee.
Managed by Luis Enrique Cuellar and his brother Robinson, the farm spans 6 hectares, with 3.5 hectares dedicated to coffee cultivation. The farm sits at an elevation of 2,050 meters above sea level and has around 13,000 coffee trees in production. The Pink Bourbon variety is known for its unique flavor profile, which includes notes of grapefruit, pink lemonade, pink starburst, guava, watermelon, and pomegranate. The coffee cherries undergo a meticulous process: they are fermented for 24 hours, floated to remove under/over-ripes, de-pulped, and then left to ferment and dry for another 48-52 hours. After washing, the coffee is dried in a traditional greenhouse for 18-25 days, depending on the weather. Luis Enrique, an agronomist, oversees the plots and commercialization, while Robinson manages the processing and drying. Their complementary skills ensure high-quality coffee production.
Although the farm lacks environmental certifications, Enrique practices several sustainable methods:
1. Implementing a shade-tree system across the farm, uncommon in Colombia.
2. Reducing the carbon footprint by using nitrogen-free products like fertilizers.
3. Utilizing an eco-washer to minimize water usage and prevent contamination of clean water streams.
4. Controlling weeds with a weed whacker instead of harmful chemicals, leaving the cuttings on the soil to protect it from high temperatures.
5. Planning to introduce an organic process using chicken manure and organic fertilizer produced on the farm.
Coffee for Good Gut Health
A recent study published in Nature Microbiology, notes that coffee can provide health benefits. They found that the healthy bacteria called Lawsonibacter saccharolytic, was more prevalent in the digestive system of coffee drinkers than non-coffee drinkers. A healthier immune system is just one of the many possible benefits of this finding.
To read the full article, visit: Coffee consumption is associated with intestinal Lawsonibacter asaccharolyticus | Nature Microbiology)
Light Roasts -Experience the coffee beans original characteristics.
When discussing light roast coffee, rest (aka de-gas) for 2-3 days up to 1-2 weeks. With a higher moisture content, flavors take a bit of time to develop. Once the carbon dioxide releases and moisture levels stabilize, the subtle details and flavors start to emerge.
Have you ever experienced a coffee flight? If you or someone you know is in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area, experience coffee like never before. Visit our coffee flights page for more details.
Check back monthly for more coffee news and information.